Saturday, July 18, 2009

We had a great day today. I should have been packing but what fun would that have been?


Sheri said...

I can not even imagine trying to pack for the whole family for a year in Sumatra...just going away for the weekend can be a major production for me! Glad you are taking time to have some last minute fun too.

Gina said...

Oh, but I'm going to miss seeing you.

Doug and Brandi Smith said...

Hmmm that looks like my house. UGH!!!

Sheri said...

Kathy--I found some pictures of Sydney in a donation to the thrift store where I volunteer--wonder if you wanted them back...some are of classrooms with a much younger Syd and one is of her holding a huge bouquet and looking very dressed up--like for a recital. My other e-mail is