Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What would you not want to live without?

Ok..have you ever gone on a long trip and wondered what to take with you? That is question of the day for our family.  I am interested to know one thing you would need if you were moving away from your home.  To make this more interesting lets throw out the basics like food, water, clothing, and the Bible. What is your one thing?

John - Diet Coke and the complete Season of  "The Office"
Kade - His dog Ember (Yikes! We better figure out how to get that dog there.)
Yoyo -  Her tutu
Kathi - Great Chapstick! 
Sydney - John and Kate Plus 8 (better buy the DVD's)


McJason's said...

Funny...Diet Coke and chapstick. What a great pair:).

Gina said...

For sure, I would have to bring my birth control with me. And lots of Coke.

Gramma 2 Many said...

Toilet Paper. Don't forget toilet paper.
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