Friday, July 11, 2014


One of the neat experiences we had was showing the Cendana students how to make an American classic, the S'More.  We had scheduled this time as a way to share something of America with them as they had been showing us their culture all week.  It was a great chance for the two groups to interact in a less structured way.  This lead to some great conversations regarding topics from school to religion to culture which all came about organically.  The Cendana kids were truly curious about the U.S. and because they spoke such amazing English the conversations were really fun to listen to. 

It was cool to watch all of the kids interact; to see that teenagers are teenagers the world over.  They have the same mannerisms and goofiness about them.  Our students did an amazing job interacting with their students and they all seemed to really enjoy themselves.  It was a unique experience which allowed the kids to create a relationship which would be hard to do any other way.  It also hopefully gave them perspective on how people all over the world are basically the same and that it opens their eyes to how small our world really is. 

Our driver MNur showing Luba something on his phone.  He was so great to us.

Group picture with the Cendana students.

Big Smiles.

Coming up with a group cheer.

Riley explaining the finer points of the American school system.

Emmerson having a good talk.

Teenagers are teenagers no matter where they live.

Great smiles.

Barry and Jimmy protecting the S'mores supplies.

The key to a good S'more: The marshmallow!

Traditional potato and vegetable fried "pocket."  These were very tasty!

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