Thursday, March 1, 2012

Weekend Fun

Saturday Night at the Getzinger house is always busy. This weekend is no exception. John and Kade are at the Boy Scout Camp Out. Kade absolutely loves the camp out. He gets to be outside, eat smores, have a Nerf gun war. It definitely fits his description of a perfect day. I am glad he loves it because sleeping outside in the heat and mosquitoes is not my idea of fun. I am so thankful that this is a father/son event not a mother/son event.

While John was at the camp out, I hosted a PYP movie night at our house. We watched "Hoosiers" and everyone ate way too much sugar.

Sydney is having a friend Milena sleep over. Since tomorrow is Kade's 10th birthday they are busy making a big birthday poster for him. The plan is to sneak over to the camp out and put it up. It so sweet of them to think of him. He will LOVE it.

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