Friday, March 16, 2012

A Night at the Theater

Brooklyn waiting for the play to start. Do you think she is having a good time?

Yesterday was the Spring Play. I am always blown away by how well these productions are done. Kindergarten and preschool put on a little mini-production prior to the play starting. It was adorable. Brooklyn loved it because all the songs had a Chinese theme and a few were actually sung in Chinese. The mini production even had a dragon and ribbon dance. Brooklyn was in heaven. She LOVES a stage. I can't wait to get her back into dance when we get back to the States.

Kade and Sydney were both in the play. Sydney was a dragon student and Kade was the classroom officer/hall monitor. They did a great job. I did not take any pictures of the big kids because the kids came out in the audience and I did not want to mess them up. Sorry about that.

I am so excited that Spring Break has finally started. I was beginning to think it would never come. It is been a couple of LONG weeks and we are ready to relax a bit. On Tuesday, we will head to Kuala Lumpur and enjoy the city till Saturday. Kuala Lumpur is such an easy place to hang out. There is lots to do and the food is amazing.

Tomorrow the plan is to go the orphanage and hang out with the kids. I love spending time there and can't wait. I need to come up with some fun new things to do. Any ideas? It is tough to plan because you never know exactly how many kids you are going to have. I am looking forward to seeing my two little buddies Hannah and Lisa. I know the transition of moving to the orphanage has been tough on Lisa. She is five and being abandon by her family has to be tough. The good news is she is not alone. Her brother and sister are also at the orphanage. They will get to stay together. I am excited for them to start settling in. I have seen some big changes in them the last few weeks and I am eager to see how all of them are doing.

Brooklyn singing a song about two tigers. One with no eyes and one with no tail.

The World's Cutest Kinder Dragon.

Brooklyn ready to leave for the play.

Brooklyn's kinder buddies.
Can you believe how tall Brooklyn is?

Sydney ready for the show.

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