Funny story. We pre-ordered the meals on Friday to have them ready for Saturday evening. Having things get lost in translation here happens pretty often. Usually that happens between Westerners and Indonesians, not between Indonesians. Well we had one of our classroom aides order the meals so that there would be no problems with the communication. You can guess where this is going... So Friday night, what shows up at our house at 6 pm, but 65 meals. Kathi tried to explain that they were to be delivered the next day but to no avail. Since we had paid ahead of time we were stuck with them. Kathi and I ended up delivering them on Friday and then we ordered new ones for the kids to do the next day. I guess God figured two different shifts needed dinner.
Delivering dinners to the 65 security guards on camp.
Writing thank you notes to the security guards.
Kade enjoying youth group. He loves hanging out with the Junior High kids.