Kathi, Brooklyn and I took a quick trip to Kuala Lumpur this past weekend. We took the 45 minute flight out on Saturday morning and came back on Sunday afternoon. We were low on groceries that are unavailable here on the island. As you can see from the suitcase we were able to replenish our supplies. It looks here like all we got was junk food but the real reason we wanted to go was to get our hands on some real Cheddar Cheese and Pork. Ah, yes. Pork; the other white meat.
It was a trip that saw us spend pretty much all of our time in grocery stores and malls so not what I would call exciting stuff. The part that was great was that we were able to spend some quality time with just Brooklyn. She loved that she got all of our attention. She did say though that she missed Kade. We asked if she missed Sydney too and she showed off her comedic side and told us that, "No, Sydney would be ok without her." For some reason Brooklyn always sells Syd down the river. Whenever she draws pictures of our family she puts smiles on everyone but Sydney. Her standard look for Syd is either a frown or she draws her in a jail. She always shows Syd her drawings to loud fits of laughter. She thinks she is pretty funny.
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