Sunday, October 31, 2010


In years past the community here in Rumbai has held Trunk or Treat on Halloween. This is where the expats decorate their cars and hand out candy from the trunks of said cars. The previous three years it has rained every Halloween causing many a soaked trick or treater.

This year the decision was made to use the teachers homes as a way to have a more traditional trick or treating experience. The teachers all live pretty close together so it was a way to have all of the kids be in one place and keep it safe. The mom's of all of the children here in ISR organized the themes for the different teachers houses and helped to stage the porches of the homes for the trick or treaters.

Our home's theme was "Candyland." Our whole porch was decorated with lollipops, gingerbread men, and balloon candy hanging from the ceiling. It all turned out very neat. As you can see there was even candy for the costumed ones hanging from the windows as well as a chocolate fountain.

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