Thursday, September 9, 2010

Civet Cat

After being here for a year you start to get used to the really cool things you see everyday like monkeys and Hornbills. That's why it is always neat to see something you haven't seen before. Like the giant bats we saw when we first got here in August. They have moved on and we won't see them again but while Kathi and I were headed out to the gym the other night we saw something else that we had not seen before. We saw two Civet Cats. These funny looking things are like a cross between a weasel and a cat. They are nocturnal so you won't see them very often. Their claim to fame is that they eat coffee beans but their body doesn't digest them. Once they have gone through the body they are picked back up and roasted for coffee. These beans are some of the most expensive coffee beans in the world. People will buy the craziest things!


McJason's said...

Ew!! I'll pass on that coffee. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think the civet cat passed on the coffee too! Literally!

Carlina said...
