Saturday, March 13, 2010

Survivor Sumatra

Saturday was the Cub Scout Camp Out here in Rumbai. The Scout Coordinators did an amazing job setting up a "Survivor Sumatra" theme for the event. There were 5 challenges including the food challenge pictured below. Our Tribe, the Tiger-Monkey Cobras, was the overall winner of the competition and the boys won the coveted silly string 1st prize. Kade had a ball. If you had of told me a year ago I would be camping out in a jungle I would have said you were crazy. It was pretty cool going to sleep with the sounds of the jungle all around.

Marshmallows with Sambal (Hot Sauce). Tasty!

The Tiger-Monkey Cobra Tribe. Winners of Survior Sumatra!

1 comment:

McJason's said...

I love the expression on Kade's face....priceless.