Sunday, October 4, 2009

We Need Your Help

Hi there! You have all been so great following our adventures and we have had such a ball relaying them to you all. We know that those of you who check in on our adventures are amazing people that we hold as dear family and friends. We appreciate all of the support you have given us over the past several months and years. Kathi and I would like to humbly ask for your help in the relief effort here in Sumatra for those displaced and suffering in the aftermath of the deadly earthquake that hit on September 30th.

While you all know that we were unharmed here in our little neck of the woods I am sure you have seen on the news this was a very destructive natural disaster. Kathi and I have come to realize just how bad things are. Luckily in our lives we have not had people close to us directly affected by a serious natural disaster. Sadly that is not the case anymore. Kathi and I have quite a few people who we consider friends here affected by this recent quake. Many of the people who work here in Rumbai came from Western Sumatra, specifically Padang and the surrounding areas hardest hit by the earthquake. One of the people who works for our friends the Austins, brother lost their family home. Our school driver, Sadario, still has family there that he has not heard from. He was trying to sound upbeat when we talked to him but it is a very real possibility that they have perished in this disaster. That is only two of the stories of over a dozen we could relay to you about those here who are hurting and worried sick over this situation.

Kathi and I, along with the Austins, are trying to do our part to help this terrible situation. We have contacted Dave and Shannon's school in Stanwood, Utsalady Elementary, as well as Stanwood Elementary and Stanwood Middle School to see if they would hold change drives in the schools to give to the relief effort. Utsalady Elementary was on board immediately and will start this week collecting money. Kathi and I are still waiting to hear from SES and SMS on whether they will help. We are hopeful they will. We have also tried to contact people we know at the other Stanwood-Camano S.D. schools to do the same. I have also written a letter to the Stanwood-Camano News which I hope will appear this coming week asking for help.

Here is where you, our friends and family come in. (You knew it was coming didn't you? You couldn't shake the feeling this was a Time Share pitch could you? Buttering you up so we could hit you with the hard sell.) We need three things from you. If you could do one, two or all three of these we would be so grateful.
1. Pray for those affected by this. There are thousands of people here who need comfort through both material needs as well as spiritual needs in dealing with the loss of homes, jobs, and more importantly family and friends. Maybe this is the thing that pushes them into a relationship with Christ.
2. If you know of a school or organization that would be willing (or maybe needs a push) to take up the financial cause for this relief effort please see if they would be willing to help.
3. Donate anything you can to this cause. World Vision has a link in their website where you can directly donate to the relief efforts for this particular disaster.
I know times are tough and whatever you can do is awesome and appreciated even if you can't give money. We really are very blessed to be surrounded by so many people who care for us. Your comments and e-mails brighten our day and make us realize how grateful we are to have you all in our lives. Thanks again for all of your support!
The Getzingers


Erin O. said...

I donated online to the disaster relief. It only took 2 minutes and feels good to try and help. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Kathy send me an email so I can get back to you. lol lynn

kgetzinger32 said...

Thanks Erin! That is so great of you. Hope all is well with you.

Dermoney said...

I'm glad you guys are both okay! I was super worried when I heard about the earthquake. I'm broke right now, but what I can do is forward this blog post on to everyone I know!