Thursday, July 18, 2013

Night Market

One experience that many of the team decided to try was going out to the Night Market to mingle with the locals and see a traditional Indonesian social gathering.  Since it was Ramadan there are many more food vendors set up due to the breaking of the daily fast leaves some really hungry folks looking for food.  The locals were really polite and excited to see us there.  It is not everyday you see 15 Americans in that much of a local spot.

We had some very brave team members.  The food vendors are set up under a tent with lots of different types of home-cooked traditional foods, most of them selling for between 10 and 50 cents a serving.  Perfect for trying lots of things.  We don't know the names of most of the things that we tried, and maybe it is better that way.  There were some hits and some misses but I was very proud of all of them for giving it a go.

After we tried the various dishes we found the Indonesian version of a food truck.  It is a minivan the size of a small U.S. SUV which sold smoothies out of it.  You haven't lived until you have seen 3 blenders going at once inside of minivan on the side of the road.  The kids tried lots of different drinks made from local fruit.  The two big favorites were the local fruit "Sirsak" and "Trung Belunda (Dutch Eggplant)"  Some of the kids found a vendor who sold BBQ corn like we had at the river and we all hung out and visited.    

After food the kids stopped at some local trinket dealers.  Some of them picked up some real treasures.  The kids had a great time!

The girls enjoying their drinks.

Visiting in the evening after the heat lessens is hugely popular here.

Hannah checking out some treasures.

Hey There, Mitchell!

Mike with his slingshot helicopter complete with LED lights.

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